17 June to 24 June: Bonding time. Refactored existing ext2/3/4 driver, and spotted several bugs in it. Added helper functions for write-part of driver, and checks for whether partition can be written to. The week was a bit more sloppy than expected, but by Monday, development speed had matched standards expected by the author. ************************************ 17 June, 2013: Got informed of selection; spent latter half of day discussing management queries with members of KolibriOS administration at the forum chat. 18 June, 2013: 19 June, 2013: Read documentation on ext2 filesystem. Also went through Linux and Sortix (hobby operating system) implementation. Took notes on design decisions, and an inode cache. 20 June, 2013: 21 June, 2013: Refactored existing driver, and translated comments to English. 22 June, 2013: 23 June, 2013: Spotted several bugs (not checking error codes, returning incorrect error codes, etc). Finished refactoring. Prepared FTP directory. 24 June, 2013: Added basic bare-bones for writing-related part of the driver. Managed photograph. Wrote change-log, and planned schedule (upcoming) in notebook for faster development henceforth.